Every Drop Saved

Household Water Usage Calculator

Household Water Usage Calculator
  • Household Size
  • Shower
  • Bathtub or Spa
  • Bathroom Faucet
  • Toilet
  • Kitchen Faucet
  • Dishwasher
  • Laundry Faucet
  • Washing Machine
  • Outdoor Water Use
  • Car Washing
  • Total Household Water Usage
0% Complete
1 of 12

This calculator is useful tool for estimating your household water usage. It can assist you to identify areas in your house where there might be opportunity to reduce your usage. It is intended for you to play and adjust numbers and settings so that you can see what impact small changes can make on the overall household water consumption.

You will be prompted to populate some fields and the calculator will make calculations based on your settings and present the results. You are given the average usage per person, per year for each water demand. The calculator also estimates how you compare to an average usage. These estimates should be treated as indicative, but might they give you incentive to reduce you consumption more!

Remember, the best way to know your actual usage is to measure it with a water flow meter. You may have one of these at your connection to the utility supply. Use this to validate the numbers generated by the calculator.

Once you are done, you can explore Every Drop Saved and read about all the simple things you can do to reduce you water usage.

Household Size

Instructions and References:

Please enter the number of people that occupy your house.

You may also enter the average number of people per household if you prefer. To give you an indication, this is approximately 2.5 in Australia and the US, and slightly lower at 2.4 in the UK.

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