Water saving requirements have been a part of New South Wales (Australia) state legislation since 2004, and are an integrated part of state planning systems. They have reduced potable water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for new homes.
Andrew, an architect from Sydney has always been passionate about sustainability in construction. He shares his experience of incorporating water saving initiatives in a new build, and how the initiatives are generating multiple benefits for his home and the environment.
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Rainwater Harvesting System
Andrew installed a slimline above ground water tank along the side of the home. Although state legislation has minimum roof areas to be connected to the tank, Andrew designed his roof to be able to simply and effectively collect a higher percentage of the roof area, without excessive drainage lines to the tank.
The rainwater is connected to toilet flushing and clothes washing internally. Combined with the solar array system, and timing clothes washing events when the sun is producing energy, further reduces the amount of water and energy and carbon emissions.

Drought Resistant Landscaping
The landscaping design consists of predominantly native grasses and other planting with low water requirements. The landscape is connected to the rainwater tank with an irrigation system. The irrigation system has a timer to water in the early mornings in summer to retain as much of the water as possible, and is seasonally adjusted for further efficiency.
Low Flow Fixtures
All bathrooms and kitchens fixtures are equipped with low flow showerheads and taps, and toilets to reduce water wastage.

Water Consumption Reduction
Compared to the average build, the water saving initiatives save approximately 30%. The rainwater harvesting system have been particularly effective in achieving this reduction.
Cost Savings
The reduction in water consumption has led to substantial cost savings on water bills. Andrew estimates that he saves around $500 per year, and these savings are expected to increase over time, as utilities are expected to rise due to inflation.
Energy Efficiency
By reducing the need for water heating and pumping, the water saving initiatives contribute to improved energy efficiency. Andrew estimates this equates to approximately a 5-10% decrease in energy bills.
Environmental Benefits
In addition to the cost savings, the water reduction initiatives contribute to reduce the homes environmental impact. Less water usage means a lower carbon footprint.
Improved Property Value
Sustainability measures are an identifiable asset that adds value to the home. Buyers are now conscious of water and energy usage, and these initiatives make it more appealing for the future.

Andrew’s Bio
Andrew is an architect, photographer and website builder of bestcafedesigns.com, a site that explores the world’s cafe designs and an inspiration for all things design and travel. It’s a great resource for those that are travel planning or learning photography. He is passionate about passive solar design, and about saving water at home.