ways to save water at home
Save water, save money! By making a few simple changes in your daily routine, installing a few simple devices, and becoming conscious of how and where you use water around the home, you can significantly reduce your water consumption. Here are some ways to save water at home. See our list of 10 easy ways to save water at home below.
We have a great tool for calculating how much water your household uses. Take a look at our Household Water Usage Calculator. It will help you to calculate how much you can reduce your usage with the simple ideas discussed below.
You might also like to check out our Money Saver Calculator.
1. Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth
A simple habit, but one that can be very effective. Leaving the tap running while you brush your teeth can waste a significant amount of water. A tap running on full can waste as much as 6 litres per minute. By simply turning the tap off while brushing, you might save around 12 litres each day. For a household of 4, that equates to 48 litres per day, or 17.5 kL per year! A great way to save water at home.
2. Fix leaky plumbing, including your taps, toilets, and pipework.
A small leak may not seem like a big issue, but it can waste a considerable amount of water over time. Check for leaks in your taps and toilets and fix them promptly. In the garden, look for wet areas, or grass that remains green through dry periods. This could be a sign of leakage under the ground. If you have a water meter installed, take note of the numbers. If they continue to rise when all your taps are off, there may be a leak somewhere!
3. Take shorter showers
Long showers can use a lot of water. Try to limit your shower time to conserve water. Place a shower timer in the shower and set a goal for the household. Maximum 2-minute showers for example! Alternatively, you could find a short song to play while you are in the shower. Make sure the water is off by the end of the song.

4. Use a low-flow showerhead and faucet aerators
Installing low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators can significantly reduce water usage. These devices are cleverly designed to mix air with water. They allow you to reduce consumption by as much as half on these fittings, while still enjoying the same water pressure.
5. Only run the washing machine and dishwasher with full loads
Again, a very simple habit, but one that can be very effective. Running your washing machine and dishwasher with a full load maximizes its efficiency and reduces wastage of water. Wait until you have enough clothes or dishes to fill the machine before running it.
6. Switch to water-efficient products and appliances
Next time you go to purchase an appliance that uses water, consider water efficiency. Many companies list the water efficiency star rating on their products that gives you a good indication. In some areas this may be mandatory! If you’re in the US you can refer to the WaterSense label system. More information about WaterSense can be found here. In Australia you can refer to the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme. More information about WELS can be found here. Selection of a water efficient washing machine or dishwasher can save you a considerable amount of water.
7. Install dual-flush toilets
Use dual-flush toilets. These have two buttons or handles which allow either half or full flushes. Members of your household must then be educated on which one to use when. This can save a considerable amount of water. Alternatively, you can place something in the cistern tank to displace some amount of the water. A plastic bottle filled with water works perfectly. Play around with this to see if you can reduce the water used per flush whilst still effectively flushing your waste.
Better yet! Install a composting toilet.
Check out dual-flush toilet pros and cons. A great artcile to learn more.

8. Water your garden wisely
Water your garden early in the morning or late in the day when evaporation due to the heat of the day is minimal. Use a watering can rather than the high pressure in your hose. Additionally, you could consider using a drip irrigation system that delivers water directly to the roots of your plants, minimizing waste. Even better, plant drought tolerant plants and grasses that thrive with a minimal amount of water.
9. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas
Simple but effective! When cleaning your outdoor spaces, it is easy to reach for the hose, but consider using a broom instead. Sweeping or raking is just as effective and saves wasting all of that water.
10. Pressure reduction
Depending on your location, the pressure delivered by your utility, to your connection will vary. If you are at the top of a hill, it is likely you will have reduced pressure. But if you are low in the utility’s network, or near to its booster pump station, you may receive more pressure that you need. By partially shutting the mains valve at your property connection, you can reduce the pressure you see in your house. Reduce it as much as you are comfortable with to see considerable savings in your water consumption.
Simple devices and habits can go a long way to save water at home. See what works for you and your household. Share these ideas with your family and community!
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